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₹300.00 ₹360.00

Advanced NCERT Science Sar Sangrah (5th edition) published by R.K.Mishra( Competition Herald) is one of the best book for general science in Hindi medium. Unique approach has been adopted to provide exhaustive coverage of all contents from NCERT class 6-class 10. But the standard of subject is up to Class 12.It covers exhaustive  range of topics useful for competitive exams with illustrations, tables ,diagrams, image and scientific reasons. The chapters are divided into

different  sections as physics, chemistry, biology, environmental science and miscellaneous interesting topics. Furthers chapters are divided into different sub-chapters. Apart from the paying attention to theories sheer focus is given to trends of questions asked in previous year exams. Chapter wise practice questions are also mentioned to help students in easy remembrance and quick revision. Even numerical questions are also given where ever necessary. The subject matter is very comprehensive and simple . Even non- science students can understand science term very easily .We have tried to simplify the complexities of the science students feel no any difficulty while studying General Science .We have adopted whole new style of presenting the content which is easily understandable .The General science NCERT Sar Sangrah book from class 6 to 10 and important topics of the theoretical concepts in notes format .It is a complete study guide

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