Language is the most important way to link and communicate thoughts and ideas. It describes the person's emotional thought as well as his or her grip on language. The undretsanidng of the language is judged by a perosns speaking and writing ability. It is very important to get a hold on the essence of any language and the grammar of that language in order to interact. This is the reason competitive examinations nowadays test languages mainly Hindi / English / other regional languags. In the schedule 8th of the constitution, questions related to grammar are being included. It indicates the importance of the language. In the presentation of the presented book, all chapters are given priority in terms of the various competitive examinations. Chapters are clearly discussed and elaborated along with the rules to use the language. The book consists of questions of previous years, which makes this book more attractive. In addition to this, an attempt has been made to include objective and long answer questions in each chapter to make it successful with the competitive examination so that the candidates can become familiar with different types of questions and they do not need to purchase another book for practice.